Thursday, July 19, 2012

Whichever comes first

On Monday July 15, 2012, I was scheduled for an adventure. I rode the "H" bus down town with a packed lunch, my music, and camera to bike around Lake Varese. I tried to withdrawal some Euro and it denied me. With only 2.50 Euro in my pocket, I stood at the bus stop and let them decide what I would do.  The "N" bus came and I ended up at the lake.  Bike rentals were to much for my little budget so I started on foot.  Here was my lunch journal entry:
Varese Lake- looks like it was trying to be an impressionist painting when people took off their clothes. I can imagine people in fancy clothes, strolling arm in arm with parasols. Now there are three young people in the grass playing cards. People in bikinis and lawn chairs draped with towels sun bathing. A group of retired friends who brought a full lunch occupy the table near me. An older couple, ready for the beach, instead settled under a tree. Swans wander in and out of groups picking at the grass. A three year old tries to play with grandma and grandpa laying out.  The mom distances herself, prepared with sunblock, and flings her body in blissful relaxation. Bikers breeze through. Speedos are allowed, trees become hangers.  I am here with lunch, a nap, history podcast, amateur sketching, and music.


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