No to the large Ken Follet book. It should have an "R" rating for the explicit sex scenes. Yikes!
Leads me to the quote I have in the front of my scriptures:
"As with companions so with books. We may choose those which will make us better, more intelligent, more appreciative of the good and the beautiful in the world, or we may choose the trashy, the vulgar, the obscene, which will make us feel as though we've been "wallowing in the mire."' (BYU alumni magazine).
When I get someplace, in the first couple of days I am drawn like a magnet to their bookcases. I have seen old ancient looking types of books I don't dare to touch, books in Italian, and always books in English. Here is what I have found and started, to finish at a later date.
- At Home - A Short History of Private Live - Bill Bryson
- Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
- The Italian Painters of the Renaissance - Bernard Berenson
I add to this list
Stuff You Missed in History Class and
BYU Devotional podcasts. And finally to end off with my favorite books- the scriptures. I brought with me my big scriptures because they are so important to my daily life and spiritual contact with God. Then I have my little traveling Book of Mormon. Whenever I go to church I ask for a copy in Italian and try to leave it with someone. It means so much to me it is natural to want to share it with these dear friends I am making.
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