Monday, July 23, 2012

My Italian Summer

Let's see if I can piece this together
Arrived May 10th

  1. Milan
  2. Bologna day trip
  3. Adventure with the Leavitts
    • Portofino
    • Borgetto di Vara
    • Cinque Terra
    • San Gimanggano
    • Siena
    • Florence
    • Florence
    • Rome
  4. Milan- day trip to Almeno
  5. Adventure with the Delfins- Borgio Vareze- Savona, Villa Calvi
  6. Milan - weekend trip to Almenzano- Liguria
  7. Bolgheri with the Folonari family
  8. Milan
  9. Varese with De Mojana Family- side day trips to Isola Comachina (Lake Como) and Santa Caterina (Lake Majore) with Franchesco and Maria Julia.
  10. Milan
  11. Single ladies trip to Verona for an Opera and Venice
  12. Almeno
  13. Calco
  14. Bed & Breakfast San Gimanagno
  15. Home

Villa Calvi

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