Saturday, July 28, 2012


Fun times in the romantic cities of Verona and Venice. Jackie, Terry and I are the adventurers; three women staying in Italy for some time, driven to live out their dreams.  Verona received us for a quick tour around the city and the opera Aida in the evening at the Arena.  The opera started at 9:30 pm and went until 1:30 am.  It was perfect, the atmosphere, the summer night, the music, being in Verona...

1:30 am- wow!  totally moist and exhausted after the evening stroll around Venice. Loved it this evening, being in the cool night air, seeing the night city, rubbing shoulders with people from all over the world. Finding our way back to the bus station with two minutes to spare.  So glad I came just for tonight. 

I ordered cuddle fish - local to Venice. It came tentacles and all.  Yeah I was a little nervous, not gonna lie. I took a bite and it was good, not slimy or rubbery like I expected. And I ate the whole thing (with a little help from Terry). 

Memories have the power to roll over you and give you the full bodied experience. I think about the stash I have from this trip. Riding a train from Venice to Milan (the same route that I took when I arrived in Italy, Venice was just a mystery then).  Listening to "let the good times roll" by B.B. King, glancing at the scenes on either side of me- fields of corn and grapevine, hill cities in the distance, green, gold, blue, purple.  Me on a train in Italy, where I have been for 3 months!


Monday, July 23, 2012

My Italian Summer

Let's see if I can piece this together
Arrived May 10th

  1. Milan
  2. Bologna day trip
  3. Adventure with the Leavitts
    • Portofino
    • Borgetto di Vara
    • Cinque Terra
    • San Gimanggano
    • Siena
    • Florence
    • Florence
    • Rome
  4. Milan- day trip to Almeno
  5. Adventure with the Delfins- Borgio Vareze- Savona, Villa Calvi
  6. Milan - weekend trip to Almenzano- Liguria
  7. Bolgheri with the Folonari family
  8. Milan
  9. Varese with De Mojana Family- side day trips to Isola Comachina (Lake Como) and Santa Caterina (Lake Majore) with Franchesco and Maria Julia.
  10. Milan
  11. Single ladies trip to Verona for an Opera and Venice
  12. Almeno
  13. Calco
  14. Bed & Breakfast San Gimanagno
  15. Home

Villa Calvi

    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    Update on summer reading

    No to the large Ken Follet book.  It should have an "R" rating for the explicit sex scenes.  Yikes! 
    Leads me to the quote I have in the front of my scriptures:
    "As with companions so with books. We may choose those which will make us better, more intelligent, more appreciative of the good and the beautiful in the world, or we may choose the trashy, the vulgar, the obscene, which will make us feel as though we've been "wallowing in the mire."'  (BYU alumni magazine).
    When I get someplace, in the first couple of days I am drawn like a magnet to their bookcases.  I have seen old ancient looking types of books I don't dare to touch, books in Italian, and always books in English. Here is what I have found and started, to finish at a later date. 
    1. At Home - A Short History of Private Live - Bill Bryson
    2. Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
    3. The Italian Painters of the Renaissance - Bernard Berenson
    I add to this list Stuff You Missed in History Class and BYU Devotional podcasts.  And finally to end off with my favorite books- the scriptures. I brought with me my big scriptures because they are so important to my daily life and spiritual contact with God. Then I have my little traveling Book of Mormon. Whenever I go to church I ask for a copy in Italian and try to leave it with someone.  It means so much to me it is natural to want to share it with these dear friends I am making.

    Whichever comes first

    On Monday July 15, 2012, I was scheduled for an adventure. I rode the "H" bus down town with a packed lunch, my music, and camera to bike around Lake Varese. I tried to withdrawal some Euro and it denied me. With only 2.50 Euro in my pocket, I stood at the bus stop and let them decide what I would do.  The "N" bus came and I ended up at the lake.  Bike rentals were to much for my little budget so I started on foot.  Here was my lunch journal entry:
    Varese Lake- looks like it was trying to be an impressionist painting when people took off their clothes. I can imagine people in fancy clothes, strolling arm in arm with parasols. Now there are three young people in the grass playing cards. People in bikinis and lawn chairs draped with towels sun bathing. A group of retired friends who brought a full lunch occupy the table near me. An older couple, ready for the beach, instead settled under a tree. Swans wander in and out of groups picking at the grass. A three year old tries to play with grandma and grandpa laying out.  The mom distances herself, prepared with sunblock, and flings her body in blissful relaxation. Bikers breeze through. Speedos are allowed, trees become hangers.  I am here with lunch, a nap, history podcast, amateur sketching, and music.


    Tuesday, July 17, 2012


    I am understanding some of the purposes for my trip here, this has also coincided with the bucket list the Davis' told me to make for the trip when I said goodbye to them. 
    1. go to Rome
    2. find a painting of Christ for home
    3. make memories
    4. Olive oil - find good brands and a good dispenser
    5. develop Chandra as an individual
    6. share the gospel
    7. study and learn history, culture etc.
    8. meet people and make friends
    9. rest and ponder
    10. feel my power
    11. celebrate licensing as an LPC
    12. have a fling (added by Jamie)
    13. live out my dream to stay in Italy for a time
    Pictures courtesy from Santa Catarina on Major Lake.  Friends Francesco and Maria Julia.

        Sunday, July 15, 2012

        Monte Sacro

        Journal entry:
        All my days here are like Saturdays. No work demanding my time and attention, my day free for my choosing. I sit atop the roof balcony on a breezy, overcast day that mystifies the colors of  lake Varese before me. I sit after a late breakfast of cereal, biscuits and a banana. Reading General Conference talks, thinking about Christ and what Christ means to the Catholics I am knowing here. How he is portrayed in churches, paintings, in the Monte Sacro I visited yesterday.

        Created in the 16th century to remind the people of the importance of the church and faith.  The small churches have life sized figures carved out of wood depicting the life of Christ, for the majority of people who could not read. There are two arches that begin the five agonies and five glories of His life. These events also make up the beads of the rosary. As people travel to the next church, up overgrown cobbled paths, with views of mountains, Switzerland and small villages, they can recite certain prayers.

        The prophet Joseph Smith confirmed the Savior's central role in our doctrine in one definitive sentence: "The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Aposles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it."


        Friday, July 13, 2012

        Isola Comachina

        Letting the pictures speak for a magical day with a boat ride on Lake Como to a small island with three ruins dating back to the 12th century and beautiful vistas.  Francesco and Maria Julia (Anna's cousins) make this journey every year to have a picnic lunch, a swim and hike around the island. They let me in on their secret this year! 

        Tuesday, July 10, 2012

        A day in Varese

        I ride a taxi with Anna to the train station where she catches a train to Milan to work for the day, and I set off on foot with a homemade map. I window shop for a bit because everything is on sale in July.  I try to justify buying some shoes, but the argument has not worked back away from the window before the store opens up.  I walk to the the Mayor's office where there is a pretty garden and I wander and sit. 

        I buy a little snack pizza at 12 noon because my Swiss breakfast cereal with freshly picked blueberries has worn off.  I sit and listen to A Year of Wonders a story about the plague. I keep listening as I walk through the streets to the next good looking view with a bench. All the stores begin closing at 12:30 for two hours. 

         There is nothing for me to do but find a good outdoor cafe - Bar Orchidea. I get salad Olympia with carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, fennel, and brie .  I thought it would have lettuce being called a salad, but it was just the shredded veggies.  Nice!  I need to eat better. 
        Let me define better...

        Elizabeth Gilbert, the woman who wrote Eat, Pray, Love said something about eating her body weight in pasta when she was in Italy.  Let's just say I had my moment trying on jeans in the store today and not being too successful.
        Trying to eat better guidelines:
        1. only eat pasta once a day, and have a small serving
        2. try to get as many veggies as possible
        3. have a piece or two of fruit
        4. hold back on the bread
        5. cheese is ok
        6. one gelatto a day
        7. don't stop in at a pastry shop too often
        8. throw out all the rules and enjoy if something looks good.  (You knew that was coming didn't you). 
        The generous gelatto server gave me pistachio and creme with Nutella. I had to get a cup it was so big (2 Euros). It is soft and runny just how I like it, the nutella is perfection as it mixes with creamy and nutty.  To finish or not to finish...  Gelatto is part of the diet of Italians, everyone eats it.  Finish it!! 
        Should I be worried that I have not peed since I left and now it is 3:00?  Just recording as it comes. 
        Still waiting for the stores to open, I take a series of undercover pictures.

        Now it is time for shopping. "Coin" sheltered me from the rain, gave me a toilette and added a linen blouse, and an oil/vinegar holder for me to pack. The 99 cent store had a toothbrush for me since I forgot to pack mine and I found a present for my dear host Carola, she has been so good to me.  I catch the 6 o'clock "H" bus to the Scola Europa stop and walked back home.  Which was an old farm house during WWII. Now it is split into apartments, the whole top floor owned by the family I am staying with.  I get to skype with Meg, which was wonderful.  Dinner served at 8:00 pm. Small serving of pasta with some pesto sauce, spinach salad, roast, a baby piece of bread and white peach. The windows of my room are automatically closing because it is raining.

        It is hard not to romanticize a vacation like this. It has been wonderful, and there are also some challenges and difficulties as well.  All opportunities for growth and learning.