Wednesday, July 30, 2014

If you have read my blog, you may have enjoyed my travel adventures and pictures, or you may have enjoyed my play with poetry and words. You may have enjoyed reading about this amazing manifested miracle that happened named Leo a year ago.

I have enjoyed this blog and the process of me becoming vulnerable. When I first started it, it was a private blog, now it is public and more and more I am posting my truth. There was a time in the not too distant of my past that I could not tell or live my truth, because I didn't know it. It was so buried under what I thought I should do, how I should be, and what I should say to get love and approval.

Over the last 3 years or so I have undergone intensive digging down to the core of my being to uncover that truth. I have done this by identifying and releasing faulty core beliefs I have picked up along the way in my physical experience and by remembering my truth. I have had companions along the way to help with this digging. I had a friend introduce me to Rapid Eye Technology (RET) which was a major tool to get this process started. It was like therapy on steroids! I direct you to my business website for more about RET and my story New Freedom Center

I discovered Carol Tuttle's energy types and began living and Dressing my Truth.

Here I sit four years later, I am certified in RET and starting my practice. I have received additional training and instruction on this- my life mission.  I feel so alive and free, so much joy, love, meaning, purpose, abundance, excitement, peace, direction,and tools for when life gets a little rocky. I no longer wait for the other shoe to drop, or for the roller coaster ride to end. I believe that everything in my life is perfect, only perfect things happen to me.  That even includes the, what I considered in the past to be, tough, dark, unknown, and scary times.  Those times, though uncomfortable, hold great information and meaning.  I now have tools to acknowledge and accept them for what they are. The resistance is gone to those moments, instead, I wait and listen.

And now, I want to share.  I want to share my truth. Those that share their truth with me will never know how inspired I feel by their vulnerability.  How inviting it has been to help me write this post and the posts that will follow.

I no longer need to hide because I have the only love and approval I will ever own.
So I love and approve this post. 
In gratitude and love.
p.s. lots of love going on...

burst forth

I have a friend who has a blog. She is a writer, which I have always been star struck by, and is pouring her heart out on a blog.  Every time I read a new entry of hers, I feel such a bursting forth from within to write. She is telling her truth and being vulnerable, and it invites me to do the same.

Her blog  Go and check it out and come back though,  I am working up the courage to share my truth.

Maybe I will start by telling you how we know each other.

She moved into my neighborhood and began attending my church. I saw her and wanted to know her, but we were both involved in different activities. Then fate brought us together. Because we were supposed to know each other, I can see that, and we can both see that great things are ahead of us in our soul sisterliness.

When we get together, it is like pillow talk x10. Pillow talk is what teenage girls do at sleepovers, talk non-stop, all night long.  We can go for hours, especially if we have popcorn on hand.  We don't discuss our recent crushes or what so and so did in gym class.  It is hard to describe what happens when we talk.  It feel like we are coming to deep understanding- one will start a topic and when finished, the other will have an idea sparked from their personal experience that they will share, and it goes back and forth. Sometimes you can follow the thread, sometimes everything seems unrelated, until we arrive at the end. We share dreams we have had that the other will interpret with jaw dropping accuracy. Everything seems related and builds on each other.   Deep soul learning is then tied up with all that has been said into a package delivered to each of us as we progress on our individual journeys.

We have had very different life experiences, but it seems that we are on parallel pathways now joined going to a specific destination. She has been such a powerful part of my process in the last few years. We have had some amazing experiences together.

While I have been out of the country this last year, we discovered Skype, and now have weekly sessions. I think our record we have talked was 3 hours, 45 minutes! We found that when we talk about something that has a lot of energy/power tied to it, that a river will run through our space. I hear a rushing river sound, she hears nothing, not even my voice. We wait until it is gone and resume discussions.  We are just too powerful for Skype! 

Currently we both feel like we are being prepared for something great together. There are some major remodeling projects going on in our lives right now in preparation, so stay tuned...

I am bursting forth.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Please pass the salt

In Mark, we are told that salt is good. “Everyone shall be salted with fire”, (fire is what he uses to refine us. It is usually spoken of as trials of life, difficult things that humble us and give us choices).

We can choose- pain, bitterness, hate, revenge, resentment. Or we can choose what that humble place offers us, access to God- we can turn to him, cry to him, place our trust and have faith in him. We can do things that open our mind and heart to him (scriptures, prayer, temple, pondering). If we choose to sacrifice our natural man responses to our fire, “every sacrifice shall be salted with salt”.

“Salt is good; but if the salt have lost his saltness, where with will ye season it?”  If life didn’t have experiences where we can be salted with salt, or in other words gain knowledge through our experiences as we exercise our agency, we could not progress.  Without the opportunities to receive salted salt from our sacrifices, we would not have any savor. 

Because back up to the fire part, if we choose the road of pain, bitterness, etc., we will continue to be “salted” with fire; or given opportunities to receive salt.  If we choose Him, he offers us the savor of freedom, love, understanding, spirit and peace.  When we choose to see the learning and growth opportunities of our experiences, the potential purpose in all things, then we are given strength to walk through the fire. 

So He says, “have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another”. Have salt, enjoy the salt, rejoice in as much salt as you can get. Salt means you have worked through a challenging situation and allowed it to teach you. 

In Romans 5:3-5 it reads:  “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us”.
Salt is joy, abundance, love, peace, spirit, and deep soul understanding. 

Mark 9:49-50   “For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. 

Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another”.


Saturday, July 19, 2014


I want to share something I wrote to a friend who was troubled about issues her daughter is experiencing right now. 
Remember the story when Jesus is approached by Jarius, who asks if he can come and heal his daughter who is very sick.  In fact her father is desperate and falls at his feet, he believes she is at the point of death.
Can you imagine this father's worry, desperation, faith, and hope in Jesus?  So Jesus goes with him, then the account shifts to the beautiful story of the woman with the issue of blood that touched the Lord's garment and was healed (Mark 5).  Next, someone comes and reports that Jarius' daughter had died.  I bet you can imagine the pain and grief that ripped this man's heart opened.  The despair that weakens the physical body at this reality was pronounced.
The account says, " as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto Jarius, be not afraid, only believe".   I imagine, that Christ leaned in to whisper it to this man, with the full power of his love and compassion. 
I imagine he whispers this to me, "be not afraid, only believe.  Believe that I have all power, all is in my hands. Turn to me, trust me, and keep moving forward with me".  Calm all those fears, what if's, racing thoughts, etc. and feel the power of my peace. My heart overflows with love, my eyes fill with warm tears.  Our lives, the lives of our children are all in his hands. We are encouraged to be not afraid, only believe. 
I believe that our experiences all hold deep soul learning, that we came to this earth to experience. Parents have increased the risk of earthly pain by having children that your hearts are so tied to.  So vulnerable are you to feel pain and suffering as you see them experience what they came to work out. 
I believe that as you listen to what the Savior is telling Jarius, you can increase your faith to add to Jesus' power to heal and care for yourself and your children.  That is what he needed from the people he healed, their faith.  You have that faith, and he invites you to amplify it.

"Be not afraid, only believe".