Wednesday, July 30, 2014

burst forth

I have a friend who has a blog. She is a writer, which I have always been star struck by, and is pouring her heart out on a blog.  Every time I read a new entry of hers, I feel such a bursting forth from within to write. She is telling her truth and being vulnerable, and it invites me to do the same.

Her blog  Go and check it out and come back though,  I am working up the courage to share my truth.

Maybe I will start by telling you how we know each other.

She moved into my neighborhood and began attending my church. I saw her and wanted to know her, but we were both involved in different activities. Then fate brought us together. Because we were supposed to know each other, I can see that, and we can both see that great things are ahead of us in our soul sisterliness.

When we get together, it is like pillow talk x10. Pillow talk is what teenage girls do at sleepovers, talk non-stop, all night long.  We can go for hours, especially if we have popcorn on hand.  We don't discuss our recent crushes or what so and so did in gym class.  It is hard to describe what happens when we talk.  It feel like we are coming to deep understanding- one will start a topic and when finished, the other will have an idea sparked from their personal experience that they will share, and it goes back and forth. Sometimes you can follow the thread, sometimes everything seems unrelated, until we arrive at the end. We share dreams we have had that the other will interpret with jaw dropping accuracy. Everything seems related and builds on each other.   Deep soul learning is then tied up with all that has been said into a package delivered to each of us as we progress on our individual journeys.

We have had very different life experiences, but it seems that we are on parallel pathways now joined going to a specific destination. She has been such a powerful part of my process in the last few years. We have had some amazing experiences together.

While I have been out of the country this last year, we discovered Skype, and now have weekly sessions. I think our record we have talked was 3 hours, 45 minutes! We found that when we talk about something that has a lot of energy/power tied to it, that a river will run through our space. I hear a rushing river sound, she hears nothing, not even my voice. We wait until it is gone and resume discussions.  We are just too powerful for Skype! 

Currently we both feel like we are being prepared for something great together. There are some major remodeling projects going on in our lives right now in preparation, so stay tuned...

I am bursting forth.

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