Saturday, July 19, 2014


I want to share something I wrote to a friend who was troubled about issues her daughter is experiencing right now. 
Remember the story when Jesus is approached by Jarius, who asks if he can come and heal his daughter who is very sick.  In fact her father is desperate and falls at his feet, he believes she is at the point of death.
Can you imagine this father's worry, desperation, faith, and hope in Jesus?  So Jesus goes with him, then the account shifts to the beautiful story of the woman with the issue of blood that touched the Lord's garment and was healed (Mark 5).  Next, someone comes and reports that Jarius' daughter had died.  I bet you can imagine the pain and grief that ripped this man's heart opened.  The despair that weakens the physical body at this reality was pronounced.
The account says, " as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto Jarius, be not afraid, only believe".   I imagine, that Christ leaned in to whisper it to this man, with the full power of his love and compassion. 
I imagine he whispers this to me, "be not afraid, only believe.  Believe that I have all power, all is in my hands. Turn to me, trust me, and keep moving forward with me".  Calm all those fears, what if's, racing thoughts, etc. and feel the power of my peace. My heart overflows with love, my eyes fill with warm tears.  Our lives, the lives of our children are all in his hands. We are encouraged to be not afraid, only believe. 
I believe that our experiences all hold deep soul learning, that we came to this earth to experience. Parents have increased the risk of earthly pain by having children that your hearts are so tied to.  So vulnerable are you to feel pain and suffering as you see them experience what they came to work out. 
I believe that as you listen to what the Savior is telling Jarius, you can increase your faith to add to Jesus' power to heal and care for yourself and your children.  That is what he needed from the people he healed, their faith.  You have that faith, and he invites you to amplify it.

"Be not afraid, only believe". 

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