Friday, June 8, 2012


I loved Sienna, the day was rainy, we entered the city down a narrow passageway where the most wonderful smells greeted us. Inside the Duomo they had a beautiful room with extra windows, and bright vibrant paintings which have not needed restoration work (because of the lack of candles). There were the 4 of 15 sculptures that Michelangelo had been commissioned to do when he took off to sculpt David, never finishing the project.

When we came out the bells were chiming and the sun was out. To the side of the church we climbed a tower that was built to expand the church (first picture), in competition with Florence. Traces of pillars are left in the ground that is now a parking lot. Then the plague hit and it was left as it stands.  We saw the square where they do the horse races around the city every year. That was exciting as I had seen a program on TV about the race.

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