Monday, June 4, 2012

Just a house in the country

Now use your imagination, picture in your mind a house in the countryside of Milan. Outside of the city and up in the hills.  Carola talked about going there every weekend when the children were little, and going up for Christmas with the whole family.  What do you picture? 

In my mind it was a little cottage or cabin up in the mountains, quaint and rustic.  Well just imagine my surprise when we drove up to this...

Look at the house, now back to the picture in your mind, now back to the house...
What!!!!  Seriously???? I can't even fit the garage and balcony in the picture.
This house has been in Carola's in-laws family since before the 1700’s. You could feel the history seeping from the walls, voices echoing in every room that I lost track of counting.  Would you like a tour? 

The middle section of the house has long open rooms, Giacomo and Thomas are playing ping pong on the 1st floor, the fancier is on the 2nd floor.  There are "apartments" on the sides of these rooms each with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and sitting area. The top floor is where the servants would live

attic bedroom
Sitting room on the 1st floor
top floor hallway
Carola, Blues and I

And now, do you want an extended tour of the vineyard and church on the property? They have miles of grapevines which they harvest and make 8 kinds of wine. They winery is on the property attached to the church. It used to be a monastery for monks. They have left the building as it was.  Stay tuned for the tour of the cellar where they store the wine. 

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