Thursday, June 7, 2012

Remembering . Reading . Revitalizing

I am gathering knowledge about this place.  This is what I love most about travelling, is that you have thoughts and impressions you would only get there, in the very veins. 

So "remember" is used a lot in the scriptures, used to remind people of what God has done for their fathers in hopes of bringing people to repentance, to gratitude, and back to God.  So I wonder what it is like to live surrounded on every side with remembrances of the past. To have history every where you look.

After wandering through the forum in Rome, in and out of churches, museums, and through the streets they built for small chariots, I have been hungry for some good reading material to enlighten me  - to help me remember.  Here is what is on my book list (thankfully being supplied by the bookcase in this house):
  1. Pride and Prejudice. This was the first time reading it. I have tried to read in the past but couldn't get much past the first page. Now my intellect was ready to receive it. I voraciously ate it up until I was in the heart of Tuscany and found...
  2. "Michelangelo Biography of a Genius" by Bruno Nardini in the reading loft of Poggiacolle (the farm house in San Gimmangno). I was seeing David and soon to see the Sistine Chapel and was passing through all the cities that set the story in the first few pages of the book. 
  3. Next I found Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, and have always wanted to read her, but I have been sidetracked with a pull to learn more about architecture. So in a bookstore I picked up...
  4. John Ruskin's- The Stones of Venice.  Even though I have to re-read everything twice, it is so dense, it is satisfying my urge. 
  5. The book I found today, all 1031 pages, "A World Without End" by Ken Follet is something that will help me to appreciate what life was like back in the days.  I walk through these old Medieval cities and castles and wish it could magically transform to show me what it was like.  I need to start a movie list that will help me understand. Any suggestions?
  6. One more, I discovered how to download books from the library to my Ipod "A Year of Wonders- A novel of the Plague" by Geraldine Brooks
I think I am good  with books for a bit.

For the last "R" in my title I want to write about my "condition".  I have been resting up still and trying to get my fluids/electrolytes in balance again. So reading has been helpful, I have been going out on excursions in the morning and in the evening. I have found shopping to be less strenuous:)  A couple new outfits and nice leather sandals will have to fit in my suitcase.  I have yet to go to Via Monte Napoleone where the expensive/famous stores are- since Milan is a fashion capital. I think it will just be window shopping and managing my jaw dropping at shoes priced over 1000 Euros.  I am feeling better though for the next items on my agenda - summer!  The seaside is calling my name. 

lastly...those of you following this blog, where's the conversation?  Leave me your thoughts :)

1 comment:

  1. Arlaine and Diana dropped by this afternoon. Arlaine asked how you are doing. I told her that I hadn't talked to you in over a week and that I had been trying to Skype with you all week. She asked why I would have to Skype when you live down the street. I told her that you had gone off to live in Italy for the summer and her jaw dropped to the floor as she screamed "What!"
    Your musings are so nice. Dreams really do come true don't they? Walle and I are sitting on the back patio whiling away the hours on this lazy afternoon acting like the rich people. It's been hard to just sit since I have picked up a little working-on-my-house addiction. I've been facebooking a smidge and writing in my journal for two and a half hours. Life slowed right down around here when Leah and the kids left on tuesday. Christena loves her job and is more content than she has been in years. It's great to live with someone that is blissed out. I miss you and are so glad you are having a wonderful Italian adventure. It sounds like you are being patient with the visit from Mr. Westnile. Let's Skype tomorrow shall we?
