Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mindful meditations on my morning breakfast

making dams of muesli and chia seeds
breaking them and watching
how long it takes for milk to flood
the valley at the bottom of my bowl
zoning out on raisins or
left over walnut flavor on my tongue

But I don't have time for that!

But then you don't have time for
the extreme peace that flows freely through the spaces in your body-
filling with light love-
with a calmness that quiets what might be important and urgent-

what is.
what is right here.
right now.

Because the rest is a movie, an illusion your thoughts have created.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath,
and another one slower and deeper than the first.
Feel the inside of your body-
what do you notice...

It beckons you to feel the aliveness-
the other world that exists within you. 
The universe.

Now before your mind tries to take back over
with how hurried you need to be for this
and for that next thing you think you have to do,
listen inside for the invitation your spirit sends you-
to come back. 

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