Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dark and cloudy skies brimming with tears 
as we get ready to part.  

Goodbye Stockholm, Sweden and the space you have held for me, the inspiration you have provided me.  

"Goodbye Chandra and the positive energy vibration you unleashed here.  Thank you for the joy and appreciation for me and my people".

My forest I walk through to get to the subway

"In high vibration states, the entire universe opens to us". ~ Sara Wiseman   

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mindful meditations on my morning breakfast

making dams of muesli and chia seeds
breaking them and watching
how long it takes for milk to flood
the valley at the bottom of my bowl
zoning out on raisins or
left over walnut flavor on my tongue

But I don't have time for that!

But then you don't have time for
the extreme peace that flows freely through the spaces in your body-
filling with light love-
with a calmness that quiets what might be important and urgent-

what is.
what is right here.
right now.

Because the rest is a movie, an illusion your thoughts have created.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath,
and another one slower and deeper than the first.
Feel the inside of your body-
what do you notice...

It beckons you to feel the aliveness-
the other world that exists within you. 
The universe.

Now before your mind tries to take back over
with how hurried you need to be for this
and for that next thing you think you have to do,
listen inside for the invitation your spirit sends you-
to come back. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The rain called to me today from my window.
My body heard its invitation and pleaded with me like a little kid over and over-
Can we go?  Can we?  Can we? 
Until I went. 

It didn't matter what I came up with to justify me staying behind the window.
I already knew how cool and refreshing it would be-
how cleansing and magical it would feel to close my eyes and look up-
how presently I could be with nature.

I had such respect for that pine tree whose branch called out for me to help it, as I turned to go in.
It being weighed down with a thousand droplets of water-
and it having seen me relieve neighboring branches,
invited me into its process.

Friday, August 1, 2014


I took a walk this morning, it felt good. I wondered if it was okay to go out walking because recently when I have thought of taking a walk, my body commanded me to stay put in dramatic ways.  I have been listening and obeying it and have discovered wonderful things by doing so.

After my walk, I had many things on my mind to do, but felt an old familiar confusion about where to start.  I felt tired, and so I laid down to nap.  I woke feeling more doubt and confusion about what to do, where to start, what was the most important- best thing to do first, then second etc. till I felt paralyzed to do anything.  I wondered if I should feel guilty for going out and pushing myself, then felt confused by that.  It is a slippery slope...does this sound familiar? 

The opposite of these feelings is a peaceful flow from one thing to the next. I see inspiration flow in and creativity flow out, I feel guided in my efforts. I feel there is an abundance of time and joy in what I get to do. 

So today, I acknowledged the feelings and stopped giving them time, attention and power by reading a delightful book by Selma Lagerlof about a boy who gets turned into an small elf and takes a journey across Sweden on the back of a goose. (This is an advertisement for the book- it is a fun read for any age! The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Holgersson).  After reading one chapter, POP!  The flow arrived and I wrote the following.