Friday, October 5, 2012

The big tree of liberty, love and peace

July 30, 2012 - Under the big tree at the big yellow house with blues the dog and Teresa the artist. 
I am ready to return home, go back to my life and stop living out of a suitcase. I don't know why I couldn't return next summer. I have confidence that I could make it, and I have great friends to stay with. 
This first trip of mine to Italy makes me smile and tear up. Was it what I expected? I have travelled many places and have learned about Italian history and culture. I lived in the moment, soaked in everything. I explored the streets here and the "streets of my life". I got to stay with many different families, to see how they live, how families work here. I had time to try the food, all the things they enjoy eating. Time to understand what my body likes and doesn't like. I broke through fears my body had and worked on fears I had about my body. I have felt very close to God and felt guided and growth here. I practiced letting people know me. I have had time to ponder and relax, just to think about life.  I have enjoyed taking pictures, reading, learning, studying history, asking questions about everything. I love what others have shared with me. I have taken time to enjoy the bells tolling, the architecture, people watching, nature, churches. The free time has been enjoyed. Having my own agenda was great- being able to wander and do what I want, just me!  I have made the best out of tough times. Had fun being frivolous, shopping and spending money, eating loads of gelatto!  I have come to learn the importance of the church I belong to. That it offers a fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is his church restored in these days with the saving power and ordinances that gives us access to God.

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