Friday, October 5, 2012


I wrote in my journal once - dreaming is hard to come by such a practical person. 
June 6, 2012, 9:30 pm journal entry as I was entertained by the view of Borgio Vareze. 

How do I describe how lucky I feel to be here.  I am in this completely gorgeous place.  It is an evening with the Ligurian sea breezing through the ivy colored arches, bringing with it the cool blue of the water, the flirty green texture of the hills. Orange, pink, yellow buildings are beginning to glow with the night lights. The clouds sit relaxing in the sky overhead.

So I could hang my shingle here, do therapy.  My name could spread through the region here and people would come.  I could live in a year-round Mediterranean climate, by the seaside. I could have an office in Tuscany that I worked in one week of the month.  (the music right now is telling me to get up and boogie).  I could teach a yoga class on the beach. I could have a place to rent out a couple bedrooms to tourists. I could own a stand where I sold gelatto snow cones.
 I can do anything!

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