Sunday, January 1, 2012

What is on the agenda for 2012?

In my cozy home, reviewing the last year of journal entries, I type by the light of the Christmas tree on its last night of glowing, colorly brightness.  Here are some things I really enjoy:
  1. The thought of my hammock on warm summer nights.  Unless it was a warm summer night, then I would be out there slathered in bug spray. 
  2. Turning on shows like The Story, Fresh Air or Moth Radio Hour on NPR and cooking. 
  3. Singing primary songs or reading the Book of Mormon. Beating those cross references to death and marking up those thin pages with my thoughts.
  4. My life right now- the jobs I have teaching and doing therapy, wondering what is around the next corner of my life. Being excited but trusting in God that it will be good.  That Italy trip doesn't sound too bad :) 
  5. Feeling like I have the power to create my life.  "...get yourself a big and healthy life.  Then if someone comes along it will be like icing on the cake." -Elizabeth Gilbert or "I found myself an entire future to invent" -Frances Mayes   Curious...quotes from two women who went to Italy after their marriages ended.
  6. My family and dear friends for all they have given me. Listen to this quote "Help me to recognize and celebrate all the magnificent people with whom I have connected, and all the rich experiences I have lived.  As I recognize the grandness of my life, I feel truly blessed."- Inna Segal
  7. My practice of living in the present moment- live each day, each week, each second as I am passing through it, be here to witness it and stretch yourself out in it. Roll yourself up in it like a big comforter (I guess that would be the good times), for the hard still with it and see what is there to learn and experience.
So what is on the agenda for 2012?
My life has opened a door- with bright warm streaming light entering. I bask in the joys of being all by my very own self. I delight in creating space inside me for the light to play and dance around.  I connect to this very moment of time, riding it like a surfer's wave, content to savor the life out of it(written from the hammock- August 6, 2011...pre West Nile Virus).

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Chandra! All good things to ponder and adhere to. You are amazing :).
