Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Get a pen and paper and get your brain out of the way!
There is work to be done through you- 
you are the channel for it
it can plug in to you.
All you have to do is write. Write fast because it flows.
There is no thinking- perfectly crafted sentences come~

Making music
There is a rhythm that my angels want me to hear
fastidius the ponderings of the mind 
a field of fragrant lavender this world profers.
Love awaiting us to wrap in the summery excitement.
Being is painful
the friction of sand
the beaches of my childhood fortify.
My collar loading the many troubles and cares. 
But for a small moment refreshing is the day of relaxation.

Words on a page
finding my space
realizing much
a practice of life
letting words flow
soon to take shape
the message of
my angels.  

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