Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Get a pen and paper and get your brain out of the way!
There is work to be done through you- 
you are the channel for it
it can plug in to you.
All you have to do is write. Write fast because it flows.
There is no thinking- perfectly crafted sentences come~

Making music
There is a rhythm that my angels want me to hear
fastidius the ponderings of the mind 
a field of fragrant lavender this world profers.
Love awaiting us to wrap in the summery excitement.
Being is painful
the friction of sand
the beaches of my childhood fortify.
My collar loading the many troubles and cares. 
But for a small moment refreshing is the day of relaxation.

Words on a page
finding my space
realizing much
a practice of life
letting words flow
soon to take shape
the message of
my angels.  


This place I have found in the flow of joy, peace and abundance
feels like I float above the ground of limits, fear and darkness.  

Everything has significance and meaning. 
In place of being controlled by life's events - 
I am the creator.  

Stubbing my toe is a beautiful thing.  It holds great information in my creating.  
Allowing and accepting and loving my true nature, my own harmony and rhythm, my true flow
has led me past resistance, disharmony, confusion, and guilt and to...

my fount of creating expression, my conduit of connection with neverending discovery and miracles. 

I joyfully go on my manifesting way. 

"...I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth."  Isaiah 58:14

"And The Lord shall guide thee continuially, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones, and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and a spring of water, whose waters fail not".  Isaiah 58:11

Friday, November 14, 2014

The mother is releasing them to fulfill the measure. 
So graceful the light tumbling, 
touching others on their way to the next stage.

She has birthed and nurtured, joyed in their growth and pressence
Now it is their time.
With a twinge of longing she blesses their readiness
as they jump. 
Beauty witnessed.
So many - yet each one known.
Every year when the leaves fall down. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

By Leo and I

It is remarkable how we met
It was both of us flowing
in the channel of possiblity
fully expecting-
a better world

the magnetic force to pull, pull, pull, pull
towards SMACK!
and what happened?
I found you. 

With writing

it is joyful to find expression - so just let it flow.
there is an electric buzzing where time and space fade into the background
the channel opens and words flow in a steady stream.
Describing the ineffable
they come with no effort - I just have to write.

My writing is something I want to share - in hopes I can open up and be known and that God can be known through the words.

I am not the creator-
The creator flows through me, through my heart and out.
I am learning more and more to move aside my limited conceptualizing and 
be a conduit for the universe. 
What am I willing to do? 
Be present, 
notice what arrives, 
record it.