Monday, September 23, 2013

Faith stepping

I will walk with boldness out into the world - I will get on a plane and go across the world to visit the unknown.  I will put myself out there for the powers of heaven to manifest.  

"and I was led by the spirit not knowing before hand the things I should do"

The buzz of expectancy in every meeting.  To find the future around any corner.  Walk out that front door with a flexible agenda...and watch.   It unfolds in ways you never could imagine.  

"and he went out, not knowing whither he went".  

Offering your desires, giving up your finite ideas to watch connections and links forming into a masterpiece.  Following a bread crumb trail scavenger hunt, a willing mystery.  The excitement of trust.  

"they set forth into the sea, commending themselves unto The Lord their God".  

Take that first step - towards joy.  
"and it came to pass that The Lord God caused..."

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Mountain

Pray through each step.  The storm rages around you. It touches you with stinging force. The waters gathering and rush the trail, covering sure footing. Dark angry clouds flash and boom right here- while you are out in the open.  Uncovered, unprotected from the seemingly unpredictable sparking search for an outlet.  Cold invades your limbs, fingers become numb and painful to the constant opening and closing of fists to ward off hypothermia. 

The storm doesn't stop with our pleadings. The hail continues to humble. Bushes are ill-equipped to shelter.  All we can do is run from it.  The whole mountain to descend.  The rod, a constant prayer out loud:  "please help us, please help us. Help our bodies, help our knees, help our feet, please help us, please help us. Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us.  Desperate humbling.

Blessed with sturdy feet on the river trail.  A moving target for electricity trying to find the tallest. Strength to run for 3 hours and more miles.  Protection for weak knees to hold out. Mountain held in place from sliding. Extra unseen protection in clothes purposely worn for protecting. He didn't take away the storm, even with our faithful, fervent pleadings. He strengthened us and used our reliance to take each step.

His earth, his children, his power, our experience.  Opportunity to turn to him. How to be grateful?  Whimsy thanks soon to fade with distraction. Life moves forward off the mountain.  Bodies remove the reminders as they miraculously repair and heal. Tender feelings shrink and callous over the urgency of humble dependence. 

We went up to the mountain and found him.