Monday, September 23, 2013

Faith stepping

I will walk with boldness out into the world - I will get on a plane and go across the world to visit the unknown.  I will put myself out there for the powers of heaven to manifest.  

"and I was led by the spirit not knowing before hand the things I should do"

The buzz of expectancy in every meeting.  To find the future around any corner.  Walk out that front door with a flexible agenda...and watch.   It unfolds in ways you never could imagine.  

"and he went out, not knowing whither he went".  

Offering your desires, giving up your finite ideas to watch connections and links forming into a masterpiece.  Following a bread crumb trail scavenger hunt, a willing mystery.  The excitement of trust.  

"they set forth into the sea, commending themselves unto The Lord their God".  

Take that first step - towards joy.  
"and it came to pass that The Lord God caused..."

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