Monday, April 6, 2015

My beloved book

The vision was clear, in the bottom right corner of my mind appeared a book. I said to the group I was with, "there is a book for me to write". It was clear, it was true. I was back on track.

I knew about this book. Two months before, I was planning for it, conceptualizing it in my mind. There was a goal set, a year given, momentuum felt- but put on hold to come home after a year of travelling with my husband. I was to start up my counseling business (New Freedom Center) and get working so my husband could immigrate to the U.S. 
Two months after being home, I went to a conference with the intention to network. In the first breakout session, the presenter had us visualize ourselves on our death bed surrounded by our dreams, talents, gifts, goals etc.  She invited us to see which of those surrounding our bed were peacefully smiling upon us, feeling fullfillment of their purposes, and which others were upset knowing they would die with us unfullfilled.  In my visualization, there it was, the book.  I knew it was mine like a mother knows her own child.  

I had no idea how to go about writing a book but that didn't matter. I knew in that moment I would do it. I knew from experience that I could do things considered hard or out of my comfort zone. I had already left the comfort of letting things just happen and was actively creating my life. 
I told the group with sparkly tingles in my body about this book. I recommitted to the process. I already had an idea, a timeline, and a goal that was 10 months away.  The next day at the conference a speaker (a New York Times best selling author) shared her passion as a writing coach. She was putting on a writing conference in a few weeks to help rid people their blocks and coach them through the publishing process. My eyes widdened by the "bolt of lightning" that electrified me as she spoke.
I signed up on the spot because I cannot not obey lightning and visions.  Thanks Angie Fenimore, The Calliope Writing Coach.  (check me out on her testimonial video!)

Six months later, I feel en-JOY-ment in this beautiful process. I have found my voice and have benefited by the healing that personal writing offers. Thank you to my husband, who is on his own for now.  I have put everything on hold for this baby.  My beloved book.