Thursday, May 22, 2014

I walked out my door, in Stockholm Sweden, and with 10 steps can be in the woods.  I am surrounded by trees, there is a beautiful deer, and am drawn towards the energy of peace. I discovered this was an option for me when I came back from the museum last night.  I was so uncomfortable, hungry and tired.  It was dusk with its muted subtle lighting and I can walk through a stretch of woods to get to my apartment.  The moment I stepped into the quiet, soft stillness of the trees, I instantly felt peace settle in my chest. I breathed in deep calmness and had to sit on a bench for a minute.  It was my kind of energy and it healed me. 
So I went out tonight- same time, same woods.  As I walked, taking deep breaths of this new found medication, I came into a meadow with natural bushes of my favorite flower.  Lilacs in bloom.  I gathered some to take home this little souvenir of two-ness. 
  (Two-ness refers to my energy type from Carol Tuttle's work)

Maybe you expected a picture of the woods...well, maybe tomorrow.

Friday, May 16, 2014


I sit here on the balcony of my dreams looking out the window of the sea.
For just a few more days am I to be wrapped in this perfect weather. I move on to the next destination to join my husband on our march of the unknown year. Our sargeant the U.S. government. We have lived on the street of dogs, the house on the sea and now to share 15 square meters. Just 5 more meters than those of the jail cell they just confined the Spanish bullfighter to.

My weekly recycled clothes scream for retirement. My suitcase back to work after a 6-week vacation. My journal on it final count down to shelve the last four years; the start and end, not recognizable as the same.  

All past recent dreams being fulfilled teaches me that life is life wherever. Our fancy imaginations carry us away from what is possible around us. Romantic dreams dull the colored picture of our daily choices.  Hard to see in the shading the power we posses.  


I love Torrevieja Spain.  I love my bike.
We love the beach even when it is a little too chili to swim.
The pink salty lake that you smother healing mud all over, let it dry, then float in the salt water as you wash the mud off.