Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The real tale

This is not a fairy tale.  This is real life. 
There is a big block of time missing from my blog this summer. What was taking my attention? 
3 weeks in Italy with the Delfin's and the Moretti family.  The trip when originally planned was a 6 weeker to see if I could find a job and return in January for a year.  In the midst of preparing to leave, I met someone, Anibal Leoncio Marin Escalante (Leo). He walked up to me outside the doors of the singles ward.  I asked myself for weeks, who was this man?  He came all the way from Sweden and I was the first one he talked to as he confirmed it was the place he was looking for.
The Great Salt Lake

It took another week to hook up and to go on a date.  A spontaneous trip to the Great Salt Lake.  "Oh, you are going to Italy?  Would you consider meeting up in Sweden or Spain?" The possibilities...

Stockholm Temple
One month of quality time later in Salt Lake City, we departed on the trip of a lifetime. I went to Italy, he to Sweden to work and wait for me to join him. I did July 1st.

We spent a week in Stockholm, and two in Spain.  Culminating in getting engaged and buying a ring in Madrid.  Our plan was to go back to the states and marry in October.
Had to have one kissing pic


European bath- Spain
A couple obstacles stood in the way.  He couldn't get into the country unless we were already married, I couldn't get out of Europe. After 3 attempts for me to fly home standby, we took a minute to think outside of the box.  "Why not just get married here?"  Well, what an option!  Let's pray about that one, right here in the airport. In my minds eye, I saw a big flashing YES, YES, YES sign. We both felt peace and confirmation. Three weeks later, we were married in Stockholm, August 14th.
Content in the unknown.  Fine because I have him.  He couldn't get in, I couldn't get out.  What left is there to do?Backtracking forward. 


Friday, November 22, 2013

This piece of land is where my fourth great-grandfather lived in Nauvoo Il.  I sat this day in 2003 reading his journal that talked about his desires for his posterity.  His very own journals. This is why I have been inspired to write journal after journal. This blog is calling to me...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lima, Peru

New husband, family, another country, faith walking...

First meeting
Uncle Leoncio's birthday
Cousins on Raquel's side