I had to make one last post while here in Italy, then I will have to catch up on the story of my trip at home. I do this at Tita and Millie Moretti s house in Calco, just outside Milan. The Italian keyboard is a bit different, I cant find the apostrophe and the shift key is in a different place.
I have been filled with gratitude and joy the last few days as I think back on my time here. I have loved the whole package of the trip. It has ingrained in me a desire to do this more, to spend my money and time on these experiences. I have been drawn to the scripture in Doctrine & Covenants that talks about learning all you can, about cultures, places, history etc. I feel so inspired to have studied here in all forms. I love the people I have come to know. They are instant friends and have been so generous. I pray for them to have all the happiness and blessings they deserve for taking good care of me. I love all my friends and family back home who have been so supportive of me and who have kept in touch with me while I was here. It was a very important part of my trip to be able to talk with you. I thank my Heavenly Father for caring about me personally, and letting me know it. For allowing me all that I have experienced here.
Carola told me that I cant end this chapter...it is just the beginning. sigh....