Friday, August 17, 2012

Milan Cemetery

8/3/12  Carola asked why I would go to the cemetery.  Has she been? 
This place was like a museum.  I was so touched by seeing the emotion of death expressed in stone. I thought about how we as mortals have to confront what happens to us when life leaves our fragile bodies. How interesting to see how people deal with the fear, sadness, longing, grief.  When they visit these monuments, what do they think about? How do they feel? We humans tend to forget the big plan - we get busy with life. The world spins around us, until death stops it and makes us confront it.

I tried to capture all these thoughts in the pictures I took. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012


After a first class trip and one flight delay, I arrived on American Soil at 10:45 pm.  Thankfully, my luggage arrived ahead of me - didn't need this face.  

I finally got to hold lil' Thomas, my very own nephew.  I have been trying to hold him as much as possible.   My first few days I would wake up at 3:00 am and go to bed at 9:00 pm. I have been eating as many veggies from the garden as I can.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Goodbye Italian soil

I had to make one last post while here in Italy, then I will have to catch up on the story of my trip at home.  I do this at Tita and Millie Moretti s house in Calco, just outside Milan. The Italian keyboard is a bit different, I cant find the apostrophe and the shift key is in a different place.

I have been filled with gratitude and joy the last few days as I think back on my time here.  I have loved the whole package of the trip. It has ingrained in me a desire to do this more, to spend my money and time on these experiences. I have been drawn to the scripture in Doctrine & Covenants that talks about learning all you can, about cultures, places, history etc. I feel so inspired to have studied here in all forms.  I love the people I have come to know.  They are instant friends and have been so generous. I pray for them to have all the happiness and blessings they deserve for taking good care of me.  I love all my friends and family back home who have been so supportive of me and who have kept in touch with me while I was here.  It was a very important part of my trip to be able to talk with you.  I thank my Heavenly Father for caring about me personally, and letting me know it. For allowing me all that I have experienced here. 

Carola told me that I cant end this is just the beginning.  sigh....